Great care and excellent technique are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles with sit-ups. To be effective, sit-ups must pull the torso upward from a lying position toward the knees, using only the abdominal group.
Often, more powerful muscles (those that flex the legs and hips), do much of the work. This is especially true with straight-leg sit-ups.
For best results, abdominals should be performed slowly with legs resting on a chair/bench, so that legs are bent at 90 degrees.
Great care and excellent technique are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles with sit-ups. To be effective, sit-ups must pull the torso upward from a lying position toward the knees using only the abdominal group. Often, however, other, more powerful, muscles (those that flex the legs and hips) do much of the work. This is especially true with straight-leg sit-ups.
Bending the knees during sit-ups helps neutralize the action of the hip flexors and makes the abdominal muscles work more. Even so, the abdominal group tends to be involved only in the initial phase of the sit-up, after which the hip flexors take over. In addition, doing sit-ups rapidly and with momentum, knees bent or not, does not work the abdominal group very much. That's why raising slowly only part way works the abdominal muscles best.
What follows is the ideal guide to correct sit ups:
Lie flat on your back with your legs bent so that your knees are bent 90 degrees.
Your feet should be flat on the floor near your buttocks, or alternatively up on a raised platform like a bench or chair.
Do not hold your feet down since this acts to promote other muscle groups e.g. hip flexor muscles.
Bring your hands together behind your neck so as to support your head's weight. Never use your neck muscles to perform this exercise as damage is likely.
People new to this exercise should be sure to avoid jolting or twisting movements, keeping straight is important.
Comfortably exhale on the upward movement towards the knees, inhale on the way down.
Each curl should be initiated at the shoulders, then the top of the back, followed lastly by the lower back region.
Raise your torso to a maximum of 45 degrees, hold the highest position for a short moment, then move downwards.
Do not let your chin touch your chest, try to maintain a straight spine.
If you happen to use an abdominal exerciser the correct sit up position will be being reinforced.
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