Today there is a new crop of muscle boys in town and the best bodies have always been found in the stable of COLT STUDIOS. COLT set a high standard for a young boy to live up to if he’s looking to get a date in any given boys town. The COLT STUDIO physique’s stress hard work on nutrition and strength training. No other model in the testosterone throbbing stable of stallions embodies the ideal of hard work and dedication in the gym more than Gage Weston.
The two hundred seventeen pound, blond hair, green eye titan has truly been an inspiration to me and to thousands of others. I asked him to take the time with me to give us a little background on his life in the weight room and being a trainer! In this interview many of you will be able to identify with his struggle to be muscular and strong when not genetically dispositioned to be so.
Q :Were you athletic as a young man?
A :I was always involved in some sort of athletics. I started T-ball when I was a young kid, and loved it. I couldn’t wait to be big enough to play baseball, so I stuck with it until I did. I played baseball for several years, my main position was a pitcher (Big laugh) but I always wanted to try catching, I always thought it was a sexy position. Now I get to do both with COLT! At around 13 I started wrestling, all the men in my family wrestled at some point. So it was kinda a big deal in our family, and was pushed on me a lot. I had no complaints though! Rollin around with sweaty men in a singlet, WOOF! What’s a better sport then that? I loved it a lot and continued with it all the way through High School.
Q :You are in amazing physical shape, what is your diet and exercise routine like?
A :Well to be honest, I really don’t have a certain diet! I pretty much eat what I want, but I do make sure to get lots of protein...in all forms (Big Laugh)! I was just blessed with a very high metabolism. I’m also a full time personal trainer outside of COLT, so I have a pretty good idea of what to do to keep my body up! As for my workout routine, I hit the weights about 5 to 6 days a week. I’m not that big a fan of cardio, so maybe once or twice a week on that.
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