The circuit consisted of 7 exercises and 4 sets where the first set is the warm-up set to allow Daniel to warm up his muscles and get the correct posture and form. 15 reps of each exercise is done and all 7 exercises are done back to back with minimal rest to really get the heart rate going.
1.The Clean and Jerk: Stand with your heels on the ground. Grab a barbell like you are going to do a deadlift. Lift it to your mid thighs, flip to your chest, then press overhead.
2.Squat: Traditional squats with wide stance and toes pointing out a bit. Just go down to 90 degrees. Don’t lock out at the top.
3.Bench Press: Basic barbell bench press, but take 3 seconds to lower and one second to raise the weight. Don’t lockout at top.
4.Pull Ups or Chin Ups: Take an overhand grip, and make sure you go up high enough to where your chin goes over the bar. If these are too difficult use a chin up machine or lat pull down machine.
5.Dips: Basic dips and go down to where your elbows reach 90 degrees before going back up. Use a Gravitron machine that assists you with dips if you are not strong enough.
6.Bicep Curls: Use a straight bar if possible and use a full range of motion.
7.Dumbbell Lateral Raises: Bend your arms 90 degree’s and use a strict motion to raise the dumbbells to shoulder level. It is best to use a light weight and be strict with these
As Craig was quite “built” in Casino Royale, cardio should be kept to a minimum (two days to three days per week) and heavy weight training should be the focus of the workout plan, particularly in the upper body. While pushing yourself at the gym is important, it is also imperative that you focus on rest and recuperation; if you aren’t getting enough sleep, chances are that your gains will suffer.
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