Saturday 21 May 2011

King of Cardio : Running

What makes running the best cardio exercise for weight loss?

Running is an ideal exercise for weight loss. But what is it about running that makes it so ideal?

Well, there are mainly two things that happen when you run:

You use a lot of oxygen when you do the activity; you need oxygen to burn fat.
You perform an intense activity, which not only burns energy during the activity, but also 20-30 minutes after the activity.

Both of these things work in favor of your weight loss goals.

Before you go running, I would recommend not eating or drinking just before you go out as you will be uncomfortable and you will probably get the dreaded stitch. I like to have a protein bar or a banana about 1 hour before my run to keep my energy levels up. Also remember to re-hydrate yourself after your run.

To warm up before my run, I normally walk for five minutes. I read in Runner's World magazine that you shouldn't stretch before a run, but that is still debatable. Studies have shown that stretching 'cold' muscles (before any exercise) can cause more injuries than they prevent. After your run, it is best to wait about 30 minutes before stretching to cool down, as the sudden difference in muscle movements can cause a shock and may lead to injury. Again, after my run I like to walk for the remaining five minutes to cool down gradually, rather than running and finishing with a sudden stop.

A higher intensity method compared to walking, running (not sprinting, which is anaerobic) is an efficient, although high impact way to lose body fat and improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

The main benefit to running for weight loss purposes is that it is sufficiently high intensity to burn a greater number of calories, while stimulating the metabolic rate for a longer period afterward.

For fat burning purposes, the variation on running that could be considered is jogging, as this method - although higher intensity aerobic - does not cross the anaerobic threshold to burn carbohydrates as a primary fuel source. Running, as does walking, involves all of the lower body, only on a much larger scale.

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