Tuesday 28 February 2012

Romanian Deadlift

Most leg exercises fall under the quad dominant category. Squats, deadlifts, leg presses and the like are all quad dominant exercises. While the hip extensor muscle groups (hamstrings and glutes) are activated during these movements, the quads take most of the training stress, and therefore receive the largest training response. If you do not make a conscious effort to balance your quad and hip extensor training, you will eventually develop a strength imbalance between the two muscle groups.

This imbalance can lead to several less than desirable conditions, with both physical (frequently pulled hamstrings) and cosmetic (less than perky backside) manifestations. Because hip extensor training can have such a wide range of benefits, it makes sense for everyone to include it in their training program - from general health and fitness clients looking for some improved "assets," to athletes looking for improved performance and injury prevention.

The Romanian Deadlift, or RDL, is an excellent lift for developing strength and muscle mass in the posterior chain. Whether your goal is a great physique, a bigger squat or deadlift, or to run faster and jump higher, the RDL can help get you there.

Unfortunately, the RDL is one of the most difficult lifts to learn and coach. Whether it's the concept of neutral spine, loading the hips by pushing them back, or keeping the weight on the heels, let's just say there are easier lifts to coach! In fact, I'd go as far as saying I'd rather teach someone to squat properly than do an RDL properly!


1. Grab the bar just outside of shoulder width; if grip is an issue, feel free to use a mixed-grip or straps.

2. Set-up in a hip-width stance with the toes pointing straight ahead and weight on your heels. You should have a slight bend in the knees.

3. The chest should be up, with the chin tucked and neck in neutral alignment with the rest of the torso.

4. From the starting position, focus on pushing the hips way back. In fact, just think about pushing the hips as far back as possible while maintaining the flat back and neutral neck position.

5. Once you feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings, drive the hips forward towards the starting position. If you start to feel any rounding in the low back before this, go ahead and return at that time.

6. As you approach the starting position, focus on actively squeezing the gluteals to finish the lift.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Chest Workout for Women : Push Ups

We all know a chest exercise or two. Chest muscles need to be strong, but they need to be strengthened the correct way. Each of the exercises below are safe and effective for building a strong and balanced chest.

Typically women don’t want to work these muscles because we think it will make our chest appear larger. FALSE! In fact, working the muscle correctly will result in a natural lift! How lovely :)

nee Push Ups

Start- Begin on all fours. Your knees should be directly under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders. You should be looking at the floor.

Go For It- Slowly lower your upper body towards the ground. Try to touch your nose to the floor. Pause for one second and lift back to start.

Tips and Techniques-

– Inhale as you lower your body weight. Exhale as your lift your body back to the start of the chest exercise.

– If your wrists bother you, move them more forward.

– Keep your back flat at all times.

Modified Push Up
This pushup is great because it doesn’t require you to jump into “boy” pushups right away. Doing push ups on your knees does reduce your output from about 60% of your body weight to only 35%. But this is a good starting place and you can always work up to the full push up. You can also modify this further by performing push ups against a wall (easiest) or high counter to give you some leverage until you can build up to floor exercises. We know you want to bust out a GI Jane one-armed push up, but that takes practice… so be realistic and get to work!

1. Lie flat on your stomach.

2. Place your hands flat on the ground next to your armpits, with elbows bent. Don’t place your hands too far away from your body. They should end up right under your shoulders once you push up.

3. Bend your legs at the knees and cross your ankles, lifting your ankles off the floor. This will ensure that you use your knees as your fulcrum (pivoting support) instead of your feet.

4. Push up with your arms as you pivot on your knees, keeping your back and neck in alignment the whole time. Keep your face turned to the floor and do not arch or round your back. If you have trouble keeping your spine aligned, concentrate more on contracting your abs to stabilize your core.

5. Lower yourself back toward the ground in three to four counts, but don’t touch the ground with your chest. Keep a few inches between you and the floor, and then repeat the push up.

6. Do three sets of 10 reps, with 30-60 seconds rest in between. Work up to three sets of 20 reps by adding an additional five reps to your routine each time you can complete all three sets without trouble, two exercise sessions in a row.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Cardio Exercise for Gay

Swimming is the best option. Zero impact on your joints and a decent workout. I also like to use the elipticals (cross-trainers) at the gym because they are fairly low impact as well. If you go to a gym you could also use the rowing machines, I generally don't because I find them incredibly boring but they do provide a really good workout.

Running. Run until your out of breath. Stop catch your breath repeat. Do this at first for 30 minutes a day then increase to an hour as you get better.

1) An intense cardio workout prior to your strength training program depletes your stored glycogen (energy) levels, leaving you fatigued and unable to perform an aggressive weight training routine.

2) After your body depletes its glycogen reserve, it must turn to excess fat for energy.

Another approach is to schedule strength training and cardio workouts on different days, or separate these activities by four or more hours (cardio in the morning, weight training in the afternoon) to maximize performance in both areas. Remember, it takes 20 minutes of aerobic activity for the body to begin to burn fat, so aim to complete three to four 45-minute cardio sessions for best results.

The truth is, there is no specific cardio exercise for gay. Everything is the same!

Monday 13 February 2012

Lateral Abs Workout

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to relax with a six-pack? Ok, maybe we aren't thinking about the same thing here... I'm not talking about relaxing in front of the television with a cold one. I'm talking about not having to worry about having a gut to go with that cold one.

We all strive for those etched in stone abs with deep cuts that you could wash clothes on. However, obtaining those abs aren't as easy as what people may think. Many think that if they simply do a whole bunch of crunches that they will have abs of steel in no time.

You use your lateral abdominal muscles when you rotate your upper body or lean side-to-side. Technically, your lateral abdominal muscles are the internal oblique and external oblique muscles; you can collectively call them "the obliques" too. Several exercises and exercise variations will work these muscles. Choose one or two to complete each exercise session. The American College of Sports Medicine's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription recommends modifying your routine every two to three sessions to include different exercises for your internal and external obliques.

Get some 10 pound dumbells and start off with your feet shoulder length apart, knees slightly bent. Lean to your side using your torso only with dumbells in hand. Do 2 sets of 15 alternating each side. Also get a 5 pound dumbell a towel or blanket for you back and do a holding crunch for 60 secs. While alternating the dumbell to the ground on each side back and forth. Keep your feet under a piece of heavy furniture if you can't keep them on the ground. This should help.

Vary your typical sit-ups by rotating your torso on the way up. Alternating right and left rotations will build your lateral abdominal muscles equally on either side. Do this for incline sit-ups, incline bench sit-ups, and raised leg sit-ups too. Strength Training Anatomy affirms that this shifts the workout from your rectus abdominis (your anterior abdominal muscle) to your obliques.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Breast Lift Exercises for Women

Pills and creams and surgery, oh my! The lengths that women will go to for great breasts are extreme, but you don’t have to go under the knife to perk up. Maybe you’ve just had a baby, maybe you’re staring the big four-oh in the face or maybe years of sitting hunched over a computer have taken their toll on your posture. No matter the reason, the first place to look for results isn’t the operating table. You can create your very own boob lift at home with these three easy-to-do exercises.

Firm chest muscles and great posture can help improve the appearance and lift of your breasts. In this how-to, you will learn the best way to protect your breasts during exercise and the chest exercises you can do to lift the breasts.

Wear a proper fitting sports bra during exercise. Breast tissue can be damaged and sag over time when not supported properly during exercise. Have a bra fitting expert help you find your correct bra size, and buy the most supportive exercise bra that you can afford, no matter whether your cup size is an AA or DD.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Fly
Step 1

Same position as with the dumbbell chest presses.
Step 2

Grip the dumbbells in the same manner, with your knuckles facing the ceiling. Extend both arms -- this will be your starting position.
Step 3

Slowly spread your arms to about chest-width. Hold for a count of 5. Next, slowly spread them again until they're at 45 degree angles with your torso. Hold for a count of 5. Next, lower them until the dumbbell is about even with your shoulder.

Traditional Pushups

They're not fancy, sexy, or cutting edge, and they don't require trendy equipment. However, pushups are still among the best chest workouts around. All types of pushups use your body weight as resistance to strengthen the chest. Proper hand, head, and feet placement is essential to prevent possible injuries, such as rotator cuff strain, and to get full benefits of the exercise.

Lie face down on the floor with your hands flat on the floor at the shoulder area, arms extended.
Hold your head straight and do not tuck the chin in or lift it up.
Bend your toes, so that you don't rest on tip toes, for best weight distribution.
Slowly lower yourself to the ground. Rest your weight on hands and toes for a count of three.
Raise to starting position and repeat. If you are a beginner, try to do up to eight push ups, and then add more repetitions as you gain strength.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Biceps Routine for Women at Home

Your biceps and triceps muscles make up the front and back of the upper arm, respectively. As the largest muscle groups in your arm, these muscles are responsible for a significant amount of strength and lifting power in your arms. In addition to improving your functional capabilities, at-home biceps and triceps exercises can improve the way you look in a tank top or sleeveless shirt, eliminating that underarm jiggle women wish to avoid. Don't forget to warm up and then stretch for at least five minutes before beginning your exercise routine.

Seated Row

The seated row exercise helps to work your back and biceps. Start by taking a resistance band and wrapping it over the balls of your feet and grabbing each end of the band. Keep your back straight as you tuck your elbows in toward your body and pull your elbows back as your hands move closer to your torso. When you have stretched as far as possible, hold the position for three seconds, then release the stretch. Repeat the exercise eight to 10 times. Rest and then perform two additional sets.

Biceps Curl Using Resistance Bands

This biceps exercise requires a resistance bands. Choose first a strong and flexible resistance bands to support your biceps exercises, then we can start with the exercise. Bodylastic is the leading brand of resistance bands you can choose for this exercise.

Do this steps :

Standing in straight position, then open your legs to your shoulders wide.
Step on the middle of the resistance bands, and hold both of the handles with both hands. Palms up, and upper arms besides your body.
Bend both your elbow while pull the resistance bands to your shoulders. Don't forget to exhale!
Put down your arms to the beginning position, and inhale.
Repeat this exercise for 3 sets.

Friday 10 February 2012

The Key to Get a Bikini Abs

Getting a flat belly and concrete-hard abs isn’t just about the hope of landing a modeling gig or a lingering stare. It’s also one of the surest signs of good health. Study after study, in fact, shows that people with smaller waistlines live longer than those with bigger ones. While it’s true that you can’t turn a landfill of a belly into a thin one overnight, you can use these smart strategies and quick tips to get a beach-ready body in no time flat.

Cut back on low-carb snacks.
Many bars and candies contain glycerin or sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating because your body can't fully digest them, says Leslie Bonci, R.D., at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Run one mile less.
"Your body can interpret excessive exercise as stress, causing you to retain fluid and become constipated," says Diana Taylor, R.N., Ph.D., at the University of California-San Francisco Center for Reproductive Health. But moderate exercise, such as yoga or walking, can speed things through your system and help nix the problem.

Do Random Acts of Cardio
Nothing burns fat faster than interval cardio but you don't have to do lengthy complicated workouts to lose belly fat fast. Work in 3 different types of intervals for 60 seconds at random times every day. Jump rope, stair runs, jumping jacks, squat-thrusts, mountain climbers, even a couple of sun salutations will burn fat and get your metabolism in constant fat burning mode. The best part of this is you'll boost endurance, energy, and tone up too!

You'll get the body you want faster by doing 10 slow repetitions instead of 20 fast ones. Moving slowly--two counts up and two counts down--allows you to use more precise form, which can stimulate your muscles better and make them stronger, says Rodney Corn of the National Aca demy of Sports Medicine. (The faster you go, the more likely you are to use momentum instead of your abs.) Your muscles should feel tired in 15 reps.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Crunch as an Abs Workout Choice

Ab Crunches are just like any other ab exercise, if done properly and consistently you will benefit from this exercise. But again, any number of crunches are done for no good reason if you fail to blend your cardio and diet with this choice of exercise.

Remember we spoke about personalizing your ab exercises. If crunches cause you any discomfort, any strain, or even if you just don't like the exercise, my advice to you would be remove it from your regimen and find an ab exercise that feels more comfortable to you.

How to do it?

Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest.

Pull your belly button towards your spine, and flatten your lower back against the floor.

Slowly contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor.

Exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight, chin up.

Hold at the top of the movement for a few seconds, breathing continuously.

Slowly lower back down, but don't relax all the way.

Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions with perfect form for each rep.

To add variation, bring your knees in at the same time you lift your upper body off the floor (full body crunch)

To make it more difficult, balance on an exercise ball.

What You Need To Know :
When working out your abs, look for exercises that challenge stability.
Certain squats and lunges can be just as effective as crunches.
Focus on your obliques with leg lifts.

Friday 3 February 2012

Biceps Workout with Dumbbells

With dumbbells, a shift in arm position can help you to the perfect groove while, conversely, you might toil forever adjusting machine parts up and down and back and forth yet never get the damn contraption to fit. Machines can only be best-fit guesses.

The ubiquitous dumbbell can be found in both the posh executive health spas with loofah goofah and sea mud, and, of course, in all the back-alley gyms where some of the members seem to be part of the FBI's most wanted division.

Once more, if you get dependent on a certain arm machine and it breaks, you are screwed. But a dumbbell is pretty much a dumbbell. The best things about dumbbells are their affordability and how portable they are. Dumbbells are suited to arm training. They are all you need to build Iron Arms.

Example of the workout :

Inner-Biceps Curl Inner-Biceps Curl

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise both dumbbells until they reach your shoulders' height and slowly lower them down after a short pause.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the

Hammer Curl Hammer Curl

Grab one dumbbell in each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body.

Raise both dumbbells by curling your elbows and lower them down after a short pause.

Keep your upper arms still throughout


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