Running outside isn't always optimal, so it's common to take refuge in an air-conditioned gym. There are no bugs, no risk of sunburn, and no worries about getting lost on a trail. And, for many, it's easier to run on a treadmill.
Don't make it too steep.
At the same time, don't set the incline too steep (more than 7%) -- this may lead to Achilles tendon or calf injuries. Also, don't run at an incline of more than 2% for your entire run.
Don't hold onto the handrail or console.
Some people assume that they need to hold onto the handrails when walking or running on a treadmill. The handrails are only there to help you safely get onto and off of the treadmill. When running on the treadmill, practice proper upper body form by keeping your arms at a 90 degree angle, just as you would if you were running outside.
Do sprinting intervals. Running at a consistent pace is great for longer training runs, but during your intense workouts, take advantage of intervals. By alternating between running a few minutes at a moderate pace and throwing in sprinting bursts, you'll end up burning more calories, building your endurance, and becoming a faster, stronger runner. Not to mention, intervals have also been proven to fight belly fat.
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