Thursday 21 July 2011

Build Pecs Without Weights

Why would anyone want to workout without weights? Everyone knows that using weights and machines is the fastest most efficient way to gain size and strength. While this is true, there are many reasons why someone would want to, or even be forced to train for a while without the benefit of using weights.

Someone working long hours trying to support his family may not have the time to get to a commercial gym, and may not have the extra space or money to set up a good home gym. Also, someone who has to travel quite often for business might prefer getting a good workout in his or her hotel room rather then wandering the streets of South America asking "Donde esta el gymo?"

Push ups are the best I think. Not only do they make you look good but they also improve your bench remarkably when you do get to the gym. If you put your feet on a chair it increases the weight and helps a little more than a regular push up. They are also good for building up abs believe it or not!

Have you ever tried "dips"? This is great in building the pecs. Google or youtube "dip exercise" to see what i'm talking about and do those. You can do dips with two chairs on your sides or at the playground in between the monkey bars. Try it our with your bodyweight and see how many you can do at once. If you can do more than 10, then get your back pack and add weights to it like 10-20 lbs so that you can only do 7-8 reps at the most per set. Do 3 sets of 7-8 reps of dips after you do your push ups exercises.

If you want to be able to do many push ups but not get big, visit -that's if you want to be able to do 100 push ups and really tone up. Do this after you get a little bigger.

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