Thursday 25 October 2012

Fatso Become Slimo

Research has shown that many people actually do better in the long term if they go after weight loss vigorously—the conventional slow-and-steady wisdom is actually wrong in this case. If you start today with a 1,200-calorie diet for women (1,600 for men), you can reasonably hope to lose two pounds of real fat per week, plus the amount of water that is naturally stored with body fat, and be back to normal weight in a way that is sustainable by the end of this month. Let's dispel another weight-loss myth while we're at it: Exercise, contrary to popular belief, will only help you a bit. Since my first raising the topic in this column in the spring of 2009, writers with Time magazine, The New York Times, and several other publications have finally been brave enough to stand up say what exercise scientists have known for a while: that exercise is great for health and great for preventing weight gain, but of limited use when it comes to actually taking off pounds. This is because you get hungry and have to eat more, which minimizes weight loss. If you relied on workouts alone, it would require about 1.5 hours a day of strenuous exercise for at least two full months to lose 10 pounds—which is fine for folks on The Biggest Loser, but not a feasible target for those of us with busy lives. Doing sport is an important part of your marathon on losing weight. Exercises work favorably both for weight loss and health. I have a simple answer to the question how to lose 10 pounds in a week. Sport turns on your body and sets it to action. Blood starts to circulate faster and calories are more intensely burnt. The blood triggers metabolism and all unnecessary, worked out elements are flushed away from the body. As I've told above it is crucial that you do exercises at least 3 times a week. The best two options are swimming and poll aerobics. Both activities work positively on your goal. Swimming is also relaxing. So you will kill two birds with one stone. To lose 12 pounds in seven days do not limit yourself to just doing sport 3 times a week. 10-15 minute wake-up exercises will charge you with cheerfulness for the whole day. Also pay attention to cycling. Ride the bicycle every day in slow of fast tempo and do it regularly. Do not forget to visit the gym. The experience of many women as well as my own show that gym exercises make wonders to the body. Consider stretching activities. They will prevent your body from flabbiness which may appear if you want to lose 10 lbs in such short time. Regardless of which means of activity you choose, be yourself, be positive, enjoy life and take it easy!

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