Friday 3 June 2011

Dumbbell Flys

Lack of variation in chest training can create disparity among the same muscle. Adding flys to presses will make your chest muscles strong and muscular. Bench press works on chest only up to the first 60-70% of pressing movement when it is taken over by anterior deltoids. This makes fly moves more important as pectoral muscles function to bring arms towards the center and flys help do just tat.

Dumbbell Flys are a great way to build inner chest. It gives chest muscle the complete look and feel.


1. Lie flat on the bench keeping your feet on floor for better balance.

2. Hold the dumbbells at arms length above you with palms facing each other.

3. Now lower the dumbbells by bending the elbows slightly, and lower them only to a level parallel to the floor. DO NOT go beyond this point or lower.

4. Now return the weight to the starting position thrusting and squeezing the chest.

Repeat this movement to complete the set.

Warning straight armed is much more difficult than elbows bent because of leverage. Decrease your weight till you can do these with your arms almost straight. Many times you will see people doing WAY more than they should and they do them like this (demo). No, use less weight. Why? Because then you can spot yourself. At about rep 6 when you cant do another straight armed one, bend your elbows slightly. This increases your leverage and makes it easier on your pecs, now you can do 2 or 3 more. When you cant do any more reps, bend your elbows a bit more. This way, you can do forced reps safely.

Special Instructions

A narrow bench will allow free movement of the shoulders. This is not an exercise for heavy weights. Keeping arms slightly bent will less the stress on the elbow.

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