Friday 9 September 2011

Captain's Chair Leg Raise

The captain's chair leg raise is the second most effective move for the rectus abdominis as well as the obliques. You can do a variety of exercises on the captain's chair, which is a rack with padded arms that allows your legs to hang free and can be found in most health clubs and gyms. The key to keeping this move safe and effective is, first, to avoid swinging the legs or using momentum to bring the legs up. Second, keeping the knees bent will help you focus more on the abdominals and less on the hip flexors.

This is best done on gym equipment called the "captain's chair". But you can improvise if you have 2 heavy (stable) stools. Make sure they can take your weight. With one on each side of you, rest your forearms on the stools. Using your abs, keep your legs straight with a slight bend in the knees throughout. Using your abs, lift your legs up until they're parallel to the floor. Then slowly lower them back down. Repeat until you complete your reps.

If you don't have access to a captain's chair rack, you can try a ball roll out as a substitute.

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