Wednesday 27 February 2013

How Long Should We Do Cardio?

To lose weight you must also have a healthy diet, the average calories a human will consume in one day is about 2000, drop it to 1600. Stay away from sugary things like ice cream, soda, all the stuff you tend to eat/drink for no reason other then flavor. A simple routine would just run/jog around for 30 minutes, then jump rope for 15 minutes, then jumping jacks. The next day, sprint up and down the block 6 times (it will make you take a ****), and if you don't know what sprinting is, you start at point A, and you run as fast as you can to point B (make sure it is about 400 feet away, or it should take you at least 10-15 seconds sprinting at full speed to reach point B). Take a minute break, stretching the muscles. Any exercise will do, but a very good exercise I find great is swimming. If you can't swim, just stick to ground exercises. Did you know ONE game of basketball (generally around 30-45 minutes depending on intensity of the game) burns 500 calories? I'm able to play four games after another (of course with about 5-10 minute breaks) and I burn 2000 calories just doing that. Not to mention I do weight lifting. Just watch your diet, mainly fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole weat (no white bread, no processed foods or perserved (cold cuts- salami, hot dogs, bologna), lean meat (chicken, non-fat slices of ham), no FRIED foods, no soft / sugary drinks. For breakfast eat egg whites and ham Lunch a good salad, light on the dressing, chicken Or Healthy whole wheat home-made sandwich or from subways Dinner Chicken with whole weat pasta / rice (white rice is a bit unhealthy, I eat it though because it's instant energy for me) or you can come up with your own meals.

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