Tuesday 19 February 2013

Jai Courtney Workout Routine

The Die Hard star needs only one piece of equipment, 30min and a bit of space to add bulk to his entire upper body. This hardcore bodyweight circuit uses a TRX to provide optimum resistance and instability – improving core strength as well as building new muscle. Perform each superset four times, resting for 60sec between each set. Too busy to get in a full hour’s workout? Fit it around your body’s fat-burning schedule, instead. “If you get just a bit of exercise in before every meal, you’ll really see a difference,” says Courtney. Perform 50 press-ups, sit-ups or prisoner squats, broken up into as many sets as you need before eating. It will force your body to access fat stores for fuel. Explosive, high-octane workouts may take the limelight but less flashy sessions really keep your metabolism kicking. "I've been doing a lot of low-impact cardio, which is a great way to burn fat," says Courtney. Trade one weights session a week for 45min on the elliptical trainer, with a focus on working your arms to push out as much lactic acid as possible from resistance training. Consider it your six-pack supporting act.

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